Sunday, August 2, 2009

Vacation is Almost Over....

Hey...... Im depressed. Vacations almost over. Im gonna miss it. The sunshine. The warm weather. The pool. Yeah, good times. Good times. ANYWAY, ON THE BRIGHTSIDE WE'RE GOING ON VACATION AGAIN AFTER WE JUST GOT BACK ON FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!! WOOH!!! OH YEAH!!! Yeah! Yeah..... (sigh) I guess a few good things come out September, like the Anime Fest!!! I been waiting for that since the end of the school year!! I already got my costume!! I LOVE IT!!! It is one of the nicest costumes I've ever seen!! Plus, its really cute!!! Anyway, I found this new video game/anime/manga series I really like its called Kingdom Hearts. Its so awesome!

Ok just so you guys know I probably only going to be posting once a week now. So see you all next week!!

P.S. Updated the Video Bar!
P.S.S. The character up top is Sora the main character for Kingdom Hearts. He is not holding his weapon the keyblade.

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