Saturday, June 13, 2009


Hey people whats up? Like I said in my last post today was pretty fun. My Aunt made it 5x better though. After we picked her up from the airport, we went to Costco, then went home to swim. The downside was that it felt like a FURNACE outside! (weird enough, I didn't get sunburnt) After that we went to a BBQ at our neighbors house. AND AFTER THAT, we went for a walk. (I went barefoot so my feet were pretty sore) So I'll you guys tomorrow, BYE!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like yesterday was a fun day with the relatives in town Addy!! Too bad we couldn't be there to hang out at the pool with everyone.

    Great job with the blog! We really like the anime and cool music! Keep up the posts so we know whats going in Dallas!

    Dan and Cortney Exby
