Monday, June 22, 2009


Konichiwah!!! Whats up people? Ok so anyway, today I had some friends over and my dad came home. Just kidding thats not all! When my friends came over, we baked, and a little while after my dad came home, we went to dinner. And then to a movie. So yeah today was pretty good. So you people tommorrow!


  1. Hey Addy,

    Sounds like you've been having a fun filled summer. So are you thinking about Harpool yet? Only 3 weeks ago you were a 5th grader. Seems so long ago. Tell your folks hi for me.

    See you,
    Mr. M.

  2. It's been so long since an update Addy... Whats going on? Whats new down in Dallas? Are you coming up for the 4th?
