Thursday, June 11, 2009


Hellooooo muggles and wizards!!! Oops... wait I meant ladies and gentlemen! (I guess I read a little too much Harry Potter today, I am on the seventh book!) Welcome to Today with ME!! Ok enough of that, lets just get to the point. Today was a pretty average summers day. This morning I had to babysit my brother, his friend and my little sister. It was pretty easy because they mostly just played video games the whole time, which kept them occupied. (thank goodness) Later when my mom came home I read some Harry Potter. (probably a little more than I should of) After that we played some board games. And so yeah here I am, blogging about blogging. (weird.. huh?) SOOOOO I GUESS I WILL, PROBABLY, MAYBE, MOST LIKELY, SEE YOU HERE TOMORROW.
BYE!! : )


  1. You Rock Addy!!!! I am so amazed at what a talented writer you are already. You have such a mature grasp of the English language. Your blog is lookin' pretty faboo!

  2. Hey, Hermione! Chubba says hi! We had a pretty average day too. Went birthday shopping for Bella since tomorrow is her birthday party. Next weekend we are going to Long Beach for the Father's Day get-together with some of the fam. Wish you guys were going to be there! Oh, Jeremy wants me to tell you about some books he recently read, they are similar to Harry Potter I guess. They are by D.M. Cornish and it is called the Monster Blood trilogy (I guess the third book isn't out quite yet). Anyway, he thought you might like them since you like Harry so much...We miss you tons and can't wait to see you (if I find a job sometime soon then hopefully we will make it to Disneyland!!) Give everyone a big hug from us! Love, Shell and the other Johams

  3. Love your blog Addy! I will be able to tell all your adoring fans someday that "I knew her way back when she started her first blog." Will you remember us? Hope to see you soon! xoxo!
